●Life lesson●
Never hurts someone by throwing your ill words....
It's too easy to say something about others but you have no idea how you hurt your next person..! You just say without any care but delivered ur speech or thoughts. you don't think at all about your allegation what is it right or wrong ? You can see in this world two qualities people. One who realize and feels guilty on the other hand who don't care about it ... their motto is Bygones be bygones. And these type of people trust me they don't have any realization sometimes they seeking attention ask for sorry only for their benefits. But really they don't care about anybody's emotions or feelings....they feels no guilty, no shame no realization but they r happier. Isn't it so cool quality? Really it is ?
Plz don't do that... it's so painful. Don't you ever realise how painful feelings it though...? it's not normal . Karma is back .. when you break someone's heart you also break your own . Mark it ... it's not normal or easy thing...!!
Almighty Allah says----
وَ الَّذِیْنَ یُؤْذُوْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ وَ الْمُؤْمِنٰتِ بِغَیْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوْا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوْا بُهْتَانًا وَّ اِثْمًا مُّبِیْنًا۠(۵۸)
And those who hurt Muslim men and women, without them doing anything (wrong), have burdened themselves with false accusation and open sin.
[Surah Al-Ahzaab, Ayah 58]
Abusing a believer or hurting him is a great sin in Islam and is similar to to throwing oneself in destruction. Islam promotes respect and peace
The Messenger of Allah's Mohammad (peace by upon him) said,
“Abusing a believer is like throwing oneself into destruction.”
(Al-Kāfi Vol. 2 page 359)
In Islam exposing a believer, taunting, mocking, cheating, lying or any other act that hurts him or her is strictly forbidden. Quran says that Allah will always those who believes
“...And helping the believers is ever incumbent on Us.”
(Surah ar-Rūm 30:47)
Yes , I know sometimes it's very difficult to forgive someone but Allah always sees your effort and try . How dedicated you were? So never lose hope in the mercy of Allah. you just try your best in the name of Allah.
And take life lessons seriously....! follow the rules of Allah --
So plz .......
🔸️don't break your promises,
🔸️don't find faults in others,
🔸️don't abuse,
🔸️don't bully,
🔸️don't mock,
🔸️don't taunt,
🔸️don't trick
🔸️don't cheat,
🔸️don't lie.
Control your tongue as to avoid hurting other.
And think before you say something........
I know there are many conflict-conduct and opinion over on same topic but sometimes we judge easily something randomly without acknowledging the matter. Sometimes we guess.. but that is totally wrong.
When you will deliver your statement just think before what you are going to say................
[ 📝Article by-- SHABIHA KHAN TIYA]
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